Waiting for the Weak

I took this picture quite a number of years ago. It was a battle to take a picture of this little guy. I had to bend, twist, balance and try my best not to drop my camera in the pond he was in. He didn’t seem to mind me being there but once I got the shot, he skittled away after a bug. Guess he was hungry 🙂


And in the dark,
I can hear your heartbeat,
I try to find the sound,
But then it stopped,
And I was in the darkness,
So darkness I became.

-Florence and the Machine
“Cosmic Love”


Reflections called out
Gave away my vanity
Appearance outed as I go
Altered dormant bruised ego
Consume command, distort your eye
Deflect the vision, shield a lie
Climb your stare, at a glance I tripped
Imagine, conjure to depict
Through a window pain was illustrated
Copied echo imitated
An urge to peek at a glimpse
The entire act through pride it limps
Imperfect views, a wave in hand
Image smelled through heated sand
Expose appeal, point in time
Start to end a picture crime

-Andi Gehlin 2007