The Versatile Blogger Award!

Rules to be Followed

•Be sure to thank the person who nominated you.

•Share 7 things about yourself.

•Nominate 15 blogs for the Versatile Blogger Award and inform them that they’ve been nominated.

•Display the Award On Your Blog

I’d like to thank Eric Gehlin for nominating me. It means a lot! Click on Eric’s name to check out his stunning blog!!!!!!

Now for 7 things about me…..

1.) I owe my life to my family. They stood by me through all of my struggles and they never gave up on me. I’ve become a stronger person because of them and I continue to grow everyday.

2.) I absolutely love all things pink! It’s become quite a problem but I think I’ll manage!

3.) I love all types of body modification. I think it’s the greatest form of art. I can express myself and be unique.

4.) Birds are the best! Since I was a kid my family and I have had a parakeet. I currently have a parakeet whom I’ve named Baby Cheeks. She’s the best!

5.) I enjoy writing poetry that highlights the darker sides if things.

6.) Horror movies will always be my favorites! I love slasher films and old Vincent Price movies. Silent films are good too.

7.) I loooooove pigs! That is all.


And for my nominees:

Daffodil Hill Photography
Shelly Still Photography
Mind of a Lunatic
5280 Lens Mafia
The Life of a Gay Geek
Morning Stories
Nails by @cynthiaruthn
More Than Skin Deep
The Druid Bird

These are the only blogs I know of currently (I’m pretty new here)

Thanks again!!!!!